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God is longing to do a fresh work in our land, our world, nation, state, and our community, but in order for that to happen we must be willing. We must be willing to the be the church that He wants us to become and for that to happen we as individuals must be the kind of people that He can use. Great question this morning: Do you want God to Use You! To make an eternal difference, to make an impact for the Gospel, to have an influence, to live in such a way that He uses you to bring about change in your school, your neighborhood, your workplace, your home, your family?

The Call to Really Live

We are rich in this world!

The Call To Grow

The call to grow includes fleeing from the carnal, following Christ and fighting the good fight of faith.

The Gain = Godliness + Contentment. See also Vs 6,2 Corinthians 3:5, 9:8; Philippians 4:11-13; Proverbs 30:8-9; Ecclesiastes 5:10

So we are called to OutLive Our Lives and we will talk over the next 4weeks of how we are called to that from 1 Timothy 6 and we add the description a Giving and Growing Emphasis.

The Three C's of Easter: The Crown

The Great I Am Still Is, He Was and He Still Will Be!! Is He the Great I am in your Life – is the powerful, awesome, and amazing God to you? The Champion–Crowned King, Conquered Death, Hell and the Grave, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 No Constraints Can’t Contain No Challenge Cancelled the Fear of Death John 11:25-26 Completed the Mission Luke 24:46-49 “It Is Finished” Crowned as King Philippians 2:5-11 Certainty Jesus Will Return Acts 1:9-11 & Revelation

What the Cross Showed Us! Christ’s Suffering & Sorrow– Physical suffering beyond our wildest imagination of pain and suffering and worse than that –bearing the sin of the entire world!! Christ’s Stunning Sacrifice: What He Gave Up – Heaven, face to face relationship with the Father & Holy Spirit – gives His life for mankind –the sinful, thankless people that we were before we met Christ!

We begin this series of the 3 C’s of Easter, the Choice, The Cross, and the Crown. This morning we have just witnessed the story of the first C, and it is perhaps the most important in some aspects for it was here that the final yielding and surrendering to the Will of the Heavenly Father took place, it was here that Jesus chose you and me, versus His own will and desire. So, let’s take a look at Jesus and the incredible choice that He made that a profound and life changing impact on us and then then we will take a look at our lives and how we should answer each of these in light of the Garden, the Cross, and Easter.
